Welcome to 5B Soundmakers page!
Children in class 5B participated in a djembe drumming Soundmakers project from April - June 2023. Sessions were led by drum specialist teacher Tim Dunkerley from our local music hub "Create Music".
Families joined us for a celebratory concert / end of project presentation on Thurs. 22nd June 2023.
Thurs. 20th April 2023
Our very first session - 5B, you were great, well done! Click on the thumbnails below to see 5B in action!
......... & click the play buttons below to see how much we learnt in just one session!
Thurs. 4th May 2023
Wow, what a great session today! We learnt to play layered rhythm patterns in 3 parts & we're only in the second week of our project - well done!
Have a look at 5B in action:
....& listen to our fabulous rhythm patterns too!
Thurs. 11th May 2023
Congratulations 5B on yet another super session - you're making fabulous progress! Today we reviewed all the patterns we've learnt so far & added some extra "breaks" to our pieces.
Click on the thumbnails & play buttons below to share in what we did:
Thurs. 18th May 2023
Week 4 & we are continuing to make brilliant progress - click on the thumbnails & play buttons below to see 5B in action!
Thurs. 25th May 2023
Week 5 of our sessions & our patterns are becoming even more complicated! Click the play buttons below to hear our fabulous progress!
Thurs. 8th June 2023
Week 6 of our project, just one more session before we give our perfomance! Today we focused on making our concert rhythms perfect and added a new pattern too!
Thurs. 15th June 2023
Our final session before our concert - wow, you played brilliantly & worked SO hard, well done! Click the play buttons below to hear just how much progress 5B have made during their project:
Thurs. 22nd June 2023
Concert day!!!! Congratulations - you all played brilliantly & with SO much confidence, very well done!!
A massive thank you to families for supporting this event & providing much appreciated cakes & drinks for celebrations afterwards & a special mention to Tim Dunkerley our inspirational project leader - thank you very much!
Click the play button below to watch a photo presentation of 5B's Soundmakers project:
Congratulations 5B - what a great project!!