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School Uniform

All pupils are expected to wear school uniform.  The staff and governors believe it gives the school an identity and encourages the children to take pride in both their appearance and their school.

The school sweatshirt colour is red.

Sweatshirts, polo shirts and P.E. bags with an embroidered Windmill logo are available for purchase from: www.yourschooluniform.com

Parents/carers can also purchase uniform in the school colours from many local supermarkets / high street clothing retailers. However, we do encourage the wearing of school badges for the children’s safety as it makes them more identifiable.

Please label all school uniform (including PE kit) to help us to return it to you if it gets lost. Lost property is cleared on a weekly basis and unnamed uniform is difficult to return.

Our School Uniform

IMG_0290 (1)

Children are expected to wear school uniform unless there is a justified reason why they may not. If your child cannot temporarily wear uniform, please send in a letter stating the reasons why.

Any items of jewellery, apart from watches, are not allowed.  Due to health and safety, children are not allowed to wear earrings. Those children with recently pierced ears who need to leave earrings in permanently for several weeks should bring in a letter addressed to the headteacher. The request for permission to do so must cover that initial period only.  During this period they will need to wear plasters over their ears for P.E. which should be sent in with the child.

In the interest of health and safety, it is requested that children tie their hair back, when possible. Plain bands should be worn without any attachments. 

Our P.E. Uniform


Plain white t-shirt or polo shirt.

Plain blue or black shorts.

Black or blue tracksuit trousers/leggings and a plain sweatshirt are encouraged for colder months. No hoodies, cardigans or emblems.


Please ensure your child has trainers (not plimsolls) for all P.E. lessons. Trainers do not have to be of any specific brand, colour or style but should be suitable for fast-paced indoor and/or outdoor activity, including sports on the field.

We feel that Westdene is an excellent school.  Our motto is that “Together Everyone Achieves More”.  Wearing school uniform reinforces that ethos and allows your child to be an integral part of our nurturing and caring community.

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