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Year 6 Curriculum

  • ART


    World War 2: Drawing

    Artist study – L.S Lowry



    Environments: Drawing, colour, painting

    Artist study – David Hockney



    Unit 1: Key Skills

    In this unit, the children will revise how to perform key skills on the computer, including logging in, saving and retrieving work and using a keyboard and mouse proficiently. These skills will be developed using both the school computers and on our online learning platform. Pupils will revisit key aspects of the platform, including how to find their online classroom, saving, uploading and retrieving work, and sending messages.

    Unit 2: Programming - Code Cracking

    Linking to their WWII topic, this unit introduces pupils to the history of computing and, in particular, how computers were used as code-cracking devices in World War II. Pupils learn about Alan Turing and become code crackers themselves. They then create their own movie about code-cracking.



    Unit 3: Programming A – Variables in games

    This unit explores the concept of variables in programming through games in Scratch. First, pupils will learn what variables are, and relate them to real-world examples of values that can be set and changed. Pupils will then use variables to create a simulation of a scoreboard. Pupils will experiment with variables in an existing project, then modify them, before creating their own project. 

    Unit 4: Data and information – Spreadsheets

    This unit introduces our pupils to spreadsheets. They will learn how to organise data into columns and rows to create their own data set, the importance of formatting data to support calculations, and how formulas can be used to carry out calculations. They will use spreadsheets to plan an event and answer questions. Finally, pupils will create graphs and charts, and evaluate their results in comparison to questions asked.



    Unit 5: Creating media – Web page creation

    This unit introduces our pupils to the creation of websites for a chosen purpose. They identify what makes a good web page and use this information to design and evaluate their own website using Google Sites. Throughout the process, pupils pay specific attention to copyright and fair use of media, the aesthetics of the site, and navigation paths.

    Unit 6: Programming B – Sensing

    This unit brings together elements of all the four programming constructs: sequence from year 3, repetition from year 4, selection from year 5 and variables, introduced in year 6. It offers learners the opportunity to use all of these constructs in a different, but still familiar, environment whilst also utilising a physical device - the micro:bit. The unit begins with a simple program which pupils build in and test in the programming environment before transferring it to their micro:bit. Learners then take on three new projects, with each lesson adding more depth.



    Transition Project

    Anderson Shelter



    Heroes made from felt



    Corn Breads


    FIELDWORK River Cuckmere

    Understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of a region in the United Kingdom.

    Use the 8 points of a compass, 4 and 6 grid references, symbols and key (using OS maps) to build their knowledge of the UK.

    Draw and label a field sketch of the river Cuckmere

    Study the meanders (Ox Bow Lakes) and find evidence of erosion and deposition.

    Describe and understand the key aspects of physical geography: river and water cycle.

    • I can explain my own viewpoint clearly and appreciate there are different opinions on geographical matters.
    • I can present my findings in a clear way and reach a conclusion
    • I can understand the many links that make places dependant.
    • I can describe ways in which physical and human processes create patterns and lead to change.

    We’ll Meet Again

    A local history study:

    • Can successfully match simple iconic images to each of the periods studied;
    • Can explain beliefs and attitudes in terms of why people might have had those ideas.
    • Starts to express explanation in term of relative importance backed up by reasoned argument e.g. The main reason was... Also important... Some people think;
    • Understand that all history is to some extent interpretations and see why some people might write different versions of the same event; Even when using the same evidence historians can put a different gloss on events.
    • When appropriate sees the need to refer to dates and to see the importance of lengths of time e.g. when describing causes
    • Shows awareness of the need to think about why a source was produced e.g. propaganda


    Knowledge/ understanding of wider world history

    Non-European society that contrasts with British history 

    Early Islamic civilization, including a study of Baghdad c.AD 900; Mayan civilization c.ad 900; Benin (West Africa) c.AD 900-1300

    • Can make links between three periods in history, comparing, spotting similarities differences. What were other civilisations achieving at the time of the Mayans (Mayans used hieroglyphs- as did the Egyptians)
    • Can use dates and specific terms confidently to establish period detail e.g. when describing different phases of an era
    • Show an understanding of the main ideas associated with that society. Children can make links between different features of a society to make sense of the world lived in by people in the past
    • Begin to explain some quite complex events using a good range of causes, some of them linked in a simple way.
    • Explain an event with reference to abstract ideas such as long and short-term or events building up; Children understand that some interpretations might be more accurate and reliable than others, by use of their own background knowledge
    • Answers are relevant to the question set; Widespread use of period-specific detail to make the work more convincing and authentic;
    • Can consider the worthiness of a source by reference to what is known about the topic. e.g. This does not fit in with the picture of the subject I knowtherefore … .


    Poetry:  The Christmas Truce by Carol Ann Duffy

    Fiction:   narrative writing And The Soldiers San’ by J Patrick Lewis

    Fiction: Flashbacks- visual literacy using film The Piano

    Significant author study: Michael Morpurgo Shadow by Michael Morpurgo   Diary of a refugee

    Non-Fiction: Explanations- How did the land girls help the war effort?

    Non-Fiction :Biographies of Sussex WWII heroes



    Poetry:  Humorous poetry Limericks

    Fiction: Short stories (500 word stories)

    Non-Fiction: Discussion- Was Philippe Petit a hero?

    Non-Fiction: Persuasion- Speech to persuade class who the world’s greatest hero was/is.

    Poetry: comparative poetry modern to classic



    Fiction:  an independent narrative extract based on the visual text The Mysteries of Harris Burdick by Chris Van Allsburg

    Non-Fiction: non-chronological report writing -produce a leaflet about Westdene Primary School

    Non-Fiction: Letters of complaint

    Playscripts: Macbeth by Shakespeare and  linked to the end of year production


    Calculate estimate & compare volume of cubes & cuboids using cm cubed & cubic m.

    Calculate the area of parallelograms and triangles.

    Compare & classify geometric shapes based on their properties & size.

    Convert between miles and kilometres.

    Describe positions on the full co-ordinate grid (all 4 quadrants).

    Draw and translate simple shapes & reflect them in the axes.

    Find unknown angles in any triangles, quadrilaterals & regular polygons.

    Find unknown angles where they meet at a point, are on a straight line & are vertically opposite.

    Illustrate & name parts of circles, including radius, diameter and circumference.

    Read, write & convert between standard units of measure.

    Recognise that shapes with the same areas can have different perimeters and vice versa.

    Recognise when it is necessary to use the formulae for area & volume of shapes.

    Recognise, describe and build simple 3-D shapes, including making nets.

    Solve problems involving the calculation & conversion of units of measure, using decimal notation to 3 decimal places when needed.

    Calculate mentally, including with mixed operations and large numbers.

    Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a 2-digit whole number using a written method.

    Identify common factors, multiples and prime numbers.

    Interpret remainders as whole number remainders, fractions or by rounding.

    Multiply multi- digit numbers up to 4 digits by a 2-digit whole number using a written method.

    Solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems.

    Solve problems involving any operation.

    To demonstrate mathematical workings in at least 2 lessons a week.

    Use estimation to check answers to calculations.

    Use knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the 4 operations.

    Read, write, order and compare numbers up to 10,000,000.

    Round any whole number.

    Calculate intervals across zero

    Use negative numbers in context.

    Solve number problems and practical problems involving the above.

    Use common factors to simplify fractions & use common multiples to express fractions in the same denomination.

    Compare and order fractions, including fractions larger than 1

    Add & subtract fractions with different denominations & mixed numbers, by using equivalent fractions.

    Multiply simple proper fractions, writing the answer in its simplest form (e.g. 1/4 x 1/2 = 1/8)

    Divide proper fractions by whole numbers (e.g. 1/3 / 2 = 1/6)

    Associate a fraction with division to calculate decimal fraction equivalents (0.375) for a simple fraction (3/8)

    Identify the value of each digit to three decimal places.

    Multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 & 1000 where the answers are up to 3 decimal places.

    Multiply 1- digit numbers with up to 2 decimal places by a whole number.

    Use written division methods in cases where the answer has up to 2 decimal places.

    Solve problems that require answers to be rounded to specified degrees of accuracy.

    Recall and use equivalences between simple fractions, decimals and percentages.

    Express missing number problems algabraically.

    Find pairs of numbers that satisfy number sentences involving 2 unknowns.

    Generate and describe linear number sequences.

    Solve problems involving the calculation of percentages of whole numbers, such as 15% of 360.

    Solve ratio & proportion problems involving the relative sizes of 2 quantities including similarity.

    Solve ratio and proportion problems involving unequal sharing and grouping.

    Use simple formulae expressed in words.

    Calculate and interpret the mean as well as average.

    Construct line graphs.

    Construct pie charts.

    Convert kilometres into miles using a graphical representation.

    Draw graphs relating to two variables.

    Interpret line graphs.

    Interpret pie charts.



    This term I will learn how to:

    · Learn to count to 100

    · Learn the names of different fruits and vegetables

    · Talk about my likes and dislikes,

    · Design and describe a ‘Fruit face

    · Develop my daily language used for transactions like buying food

    · Learn how to order food and drink in a café



    This term I will learn how to:

    · Talk about sports and hobbies

    · Use - er verbs to express my likes and dislikes, revisiting ‘negative’ constructions such as ne…pas and ne….jamais

    · Use verbs which help me describe actions

    · Use words of frequency

    · Talk about sporting hero/personality



    This term I will:

    · Learn about the ‘Fauviste’ movement & the life of Henri Matisse

    · Create and describe my own piece of decoupage based on a famous landmark.

    · Improve my reading and writing skills through longer comprehension work.

    · Write a letter to my new school telling them about myself.




    Exploring Rounds & Chords

    • Sing and play music in two or more parts.
    • Learn to perform, compose & notate a variety of chords.
    • Compose a chordal accompaniment.

    Exploring Sound Sources

    • Create a sound vocabulary.
    • Use ICT to record & manipulate sound.
    • Learn to compose, layer & loop sounds.



    Exploring Song Writing

    • Compose a song using the blues chord sequence.
    • Show understanding of the relationship between lyrics and melody.
    • Improvise using the blues scale.

    Exploring Rhythm & Pulse

    • Perform rhythmic patterns confidently and with a strong sense of pulse.
    • Confidently maintain an independent line within a group composition.
    • Understand how cyclic patterns are used in music from different cultures.



    Exploring Musical Processes

    • Learn to create, follow & perform a graphic score.
    • Investigate the role of music within film from 1900 to present day.
    • Compose a soundtrack to accompany a short film clip.

    KS2 show

    • Participate in a class performance showing total commitment to the project.
    • Perform with confidence, expression and control.
    • Perform within an ensemble & / or as a soloist with accuracy & fluency.


    Global citizenship: Refugees and finding out about the British values of democracy, rule of law, mutual respect, individual liberty and tolerance

    Internet safety: Taught through computing

    New beginnings: Understanding responsibilities in a school

    Protective behaviours: Feeling safe and unsafe exploring how to tell and use a support network

    Getting on and falling out: Understanding the link between feelings and behaviour

    Say no to bullying: Taught during anti-bullying week



    LGBT equality education: Celebrating differences and exploring homophobic language

    Healthy eating: Taught through science, DT and PE

    Going for goals: Working towards long time goals link to careers and aspirations

    Emotional health and wellbeing: Ways to stay mentally healthy

    Money management: Taught during Finance fortnight

    Good to be me: Exploring ways to stand up for what you believe and think



    Drugs and alcohol education: The dangers and effects of drugs

    Relationships: Coping with different forms of loss

    Relationships and sex education: Puberty, body image and positive relationships

    Changes: Strategies for coping with changing schools​




    • Indoor Athletics – Indoor Pentathlon


    • Outdoor and adventurous activities.
    • ​Invasion style games skill development.




    • Gymnastics – Floor work & low – high level apparatus


    • Invasion style games skill development.
    • Net style games skill development.




    • Dance skill development – topic based


    • Athletics activities skill development.
    • Striking and fielding style games skill development.


    What is the Qur’an and why is it important to Muslims?

    Children to consider and  learn:

    • That the Qur’an is the sacred text for Muslims.
    • To reflect on own values and influences in own lives.
    • That the Qur’an teaches that God has many qualities the most important being compassion and mercy.
    • That the Qur’an is a book of guidance for living.
    • That Muslims will not re-create images of what God created ie like a graven image.
    • That texts are a powerful influence of how people think and act.
    • That Muslim children study the Qur’an at Qur’an schools

    Festivals Muslim: Ramadan – fasting, Eid – feasting    Jewish: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot  Christian:  Lent, Easter, Harvest Festival

    Children to consider and  learn:

    • And explore the importance of fasting to some religious people.
    • That Muslims fast during Ramadan.
    • The implications of fasting.
    • That Eid is the festival that ends Ramadan and that there is a particular sequence of events.
    • And imagine self as a Muslim at the end of Ramadan and the coming festival of Eid.
    • And make direct comparisons with the Christian period of Lent and Easter.
    • That Jews also have festivals of fasting and atonement
    • That different religions have similar festivals and make comparisons.



    Heroes incl. David, Daniel and Moses

    Children to consider and  learn:

    • Who their role models are.
    • That Biblical heroes are not superheroes in modern media terms.
    • And revisit Moses as an important figure for Christians and Jews.
    • The miracles of Jesus.
    • And know that there were many aspects to David’s life.
    • The power of music as an influence.
    • Where we get our strength from.
    • And identify own strengths.

    Miracles of Jesus

    Children to consider and  learn:

    • What is meant by the word ‘miracle’?
    • What is meant by the word ‘miracle’?
    • That there are different types of miracles.
    • Compare reactions of religious onlookers with that of the healed man.
    • That believers of a faith can accept such stories as being true.
    • The difficulty of understanding the miracles.
    • The reactions of the disciples to these miracles.
    • Whether miracles still happen.
    • And think of what miracles children would like to happen in the present day



    What can we learn from religious buildings

    Children to consider and  learn:

    • That the value placed on objects and experience varies.
    • That what people own and regard as precious reveals their priorities and underlying values.
    • To classify different types of religious buildings and objects
    • To know about different denominations.
    • That beliefs, ideas and feelings can be expressed in a variety of ways
    • To know that religious buildings and objects have meanings for their uses

    How do people express their faith through the arts?

    Children to consider and  learn:

    • That in some religions, music is a form of expressing faith.
    • That colour can be used to express religious feelings and ideas.
    • That art can be sacred and spiritual for believers.
    • And develop skills in comparing and contrasting use of art in religions
    • That drama is a means of reinforcing stories and teachings in religions.

    Humanism Unit- What Makes us Special 

    In this lesson students will investigate what makes human beings special. They will discover why humanists value human beings’ ability to ask questions and find answers. They will explore how our questions and the desire to answer them can help us to understand ourselves and the world, and transform the world for the better. They will go on to explore their own questions, assess what makes a question interesting, and think about how they can know whether they have been given the right answer to a question. Finally, they will take a look at what else, as well as our curiosity, humanists think makes us special, and use what they have learned to create an artwork 




    • recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines
    • use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye
    • explain that we see things because light travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes
    • use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them.


    • Associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit
    • compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches
    • use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram.

    Note: Pupils are expected to learn only about series circuits, not parallel circuits. Pupils should be taught to take the necessary precautions for working safely with electricity.



    Animals including humans

    • identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood
    • recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function
    • describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans..

    Pupils might work scientifically by: exploring the work of scientists and scientific research about the relationship between diet, exercise, drugs, lifestyle and health.

    Living things and their environment

    • describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including micro-organisms, plants and animals

    Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics Through direct observations where possible, they could classify animals into commonly found invertebrates (such as insects, spiders, snails, worms) and vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals). They should discuss reasons why living things are placed in one group and not another.

    Pupils might find out about the significance of the work of scientists such as Carl Linnaeus, a pioneer of classification. Use classification systems and keys to identify some animals and plants in the immediate environment.



    Evolution & Inheritance 

    • recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago
    • recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents, for instance by considering different breeds of dogs, and what happens when, for example, labradors are crossed with poodles. They should also appreciate that variation in offspring over time can make animals more or less able to survive in particular environments, for example, by exploring how giraffes’ necks got longer, or the development of insulating fur on the arctic fox.
    • identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution.

    They should also appreciate that variation in offspring over time can make animals more or less able to survive in particular environments, for example, by exploring how giraffes’ necks got longer, or the development of insulating fur on the arctic fox.

    Pupils might find out about the work of palaeontologists such as Mary Anning and about how Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace developed their ideas on evolution. Note: At this stage, pupils are not expected to understand how genes and chromosomes work.

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