Home Learning at Westdene
Home learning activities are set by class teachers on a weekly basis. Home learning tasks vary by year group but usually involve weekly spellings, daily reading and a maths, literacy or topic-based activity.
Below is a list of the online services that we subscribe to, to support your child's progress in learning:
👩🏫 Google Classroom (Y1 - Y6)
Google Classroom is our online learning platform. It is accessed in a web browser (Google Chrome recommended) or using the Google Classroom app (recommended for any pupils using smartphones or tablets).
Every child has a username and password provided by the school. The children are taught how to use Google Classroom during autumn term computing lessons. We also use Google Classroom for many lesson activities and for home learning in some year groups.
We have created a Google Classroom Help Page to support parents and pupils.
🔢 MY MATHS (Y1 - Y6)
MyMaths is a maths lesson and homework website. It contains interactive lessons and activities covering all areas of the maths curriculum.
Every child has a username and password provided by the school.
To access MyMaths, your child will need to use the school login before entering their personal login on the next screen.
🔢 Mirodo (Y3 - Y5)
Mirodo gives children access to English, Maths and Science activities set by their teacher as homework.
Children can also use it to access activities independently (like MyMaths) outside of homework.
Each child in Y3-5 has an account to access Mirodo.
Year 6 use SATs Companion, made by the same company.

🔢 Times Tables Rockstars (Y1 - Y6)
Times Tables Rockstars helps children learn their times tables by personalising the questions they receive, adjusting to their speed and accuracy.
Every child has a personal username and password provided by the school.
It can be accessed on a web browser or with the official app.
It is recommended that TTRockstars is used little and often to improve times tables fluency. Children are expected to know all of their times table facts up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4.
📖 Bug Club (Y1 - Y3)
Bug Club (part of the Active Learn Primary platform) is a digital library which gives pupils access to eBooks and quizzes. It is accessed in the web browser on devices.
To access Bug Club, your child will need to use their username, password and the school code JGLQ.
Bug Club is suitable for readers of all ages. As your child reads books and completes the associated questions, they will be able to access more books and move up through the book bands.


📖 SATs Companion (Y6)
SATs Companion provides pupils with access to thousands of English and maths questions to help them practise and prepare for the SATs assessments.
Teachers will set activities on SATs Companion for children to complete. They can also access activities independently by logging in.