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Governing Body

Governors are volunteers operating alongside the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team in the strategic development of the school to provide an excellant education to all children.  

The core functions of the Governing Body are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision , ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding the School Leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

More about the role of governors in a short video https://youtu.be/mRqJ_bFipHk

At Westdene Primary School there are fourteen Governor posts. Each Governor is assigned to one or more committees carrying out more detailed monitoring and reporting back to the Governing Body at regular intervals during the school year.  

Chair of Governors
Our Chair of Governors is Mr Charles Haywood. He can be contacted via the Clerk to Governors clerk@westdene.brighton-hove.sch.uk

Name Category of Governor Appointed Term End Appointed/Elected By
Linda Appleby Co-opted 30.03.22 29.03.26 Governing Body
Simrit Bagshaw Parent 22.02.22 21.02.26 Parents
Sandra Cooke LA 08.05.24 07.05.28 Governing Body
Emily Goodwin Parent 14.10.22 13.10.26 Parents
Lisa Hagon Co-opted 18.11.20 17.11.24 Governing Body
Judy Hawker Co-opted 01.09.22   31.08.26 Governing Body
Charles Haywood Co-opted (Chair) 01.09.22 31.08.26 Governing Body
Katy Majumdar Co-opted  20.05.24 19.05.28 Governing Body
Joanne Marron Staff 18.11.20 17.11.24 Staff
Az Naeem Co-opted  07.12.22 06.12.26 Governing Body
Phil McDonald Co-opted  10.07.24 09.07.28 Governing Body
Erin Plant Parent 04.06.24 03.06.28 Parents
Jenny Stratton Head 15.04.24 Ex Officio By virtue of office

The following individuals have served as governors in the past 12 months and have since stepped down or their terms of office have expired.

Lucy Smith - Co-opted Governor

Lily Glynn - Co-opted Governor

Debbie Crossingham - Headteacher 

Richard Melly - LA Governor

Guy Garrett - Parent Governor

Appointment of Governors:

Governors are appointed in several different categories:
Appointed by the governing body = Co-opted;
Nominated by the Local Authority and appointed by the governing body = LA;
Staff = Elected by staff;
Parent = Elected by parents.
The Headteacher is a member by virtue of their office.

Committees & Groups

Community Liaison Committee Premises Committee
Curriculum and Standards Committee Resources and Staffing Committee
Pay Committee Data Group
Headteacher Review group  

Governor Link Responsibilities

Strategic Leadership FGB/Committee/Group
Culture, Values & Ethos Full Governing Body
Headteacher Appraisal & Objective Setting Headteacher Review Group
Parental Engagment & Comminity Community Liaison
Setting Direction Full Governing Body
Compliance FGB/Committee/Group
Complaints Full Governing Body
Control & Community use of Premises Premises
Education Curriculum & Standards
Equality C&S and R&S
Finance Resources & Staffing
Health & Safety  Premises
Information Sharing Full Governing Body
Pupil Premium Curriculum & Standards
Pupil Wellbeing Curriculum & Standards
Safeguarding Full Governing Body
School Premises Premises
Special Educational Needs Curriculum & Standards
Staffing & Performance Management Pay Committee
Vulnerable /Looked After Childrem Curriculum & Standards
Website Compliance Community Liaison
Other School Priorites Committee
Healthy Schools Full Governing Body
Governance  Committee
Developing FGB Effectiveness Full Governing Body
Governance Procedures Full Governing Body
Recruitment Full Governing Body
Training & Development Full Governing Body
Curriculum Links Committee
DT Curriculum & Standards
Early Years Curriculum & Standards
Humaities Curriculum & Standards
Literacy Curriculum & Standards
Maths Curriculum & Standards
MFL Curriculum & Standards
Music & Arts Curriculum & Standards
PE Curriculum & Standards
PHSE Curriculum & Standards
RE Curriculum & Standards
Science Curriculum & Standards
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